Madison Gets Adopted Thanks to Amy Poehler’s “Heavy Petting” Series

With Aubrey Plaza voicing the 2-year-old Terrier’s thoughts, it’s no wonder she found a home fast.

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Leave it to comedy queen Amy Poehler to use a cheeky title for her video collaboration with the ASPCA. The Heavy Petting series, found on the actor’s Smart Girls website, stars adorable dogs up for adoption, voiced by funny people such as Aziz Ansari, John Mulaney, and Aubrey Plaza. In this video installment, Plaza voices Madison, a logical and well-read dog who is looking for some “chill” people.

Much like videos function on popular dating sites for humans, these dog videos give adopters a humorous insight into the potential canine companion. With tens of thousands of views and shares, it’s no surprise that this comedic approach to adoption is having an impact. Madison, a 2-year-old terrier mix, was rescued in March of 2015 by police in New York City. She had been abandoned in a home and was malnourished, weighing only 49 pounds when police found her.

After Madison’s video ran, she was adopted into a wonderful and loving home. She now weighs nearly 70 pounds, and, despite her size, still views herself as a lapdog. The pup also enjoys hugs and playing with tennis balls. We hope her new home has that library she always wanted, too!

To see more Heavy Petting videos, visit the Smart Girls website.

Meghan Lodge

Meghan fits the Aquarius definition to a fault, loves animals, and is always pushing for change. Loves ink, whether in tattoos, books, or writing on a pretty sheet of blank paper. Proud parent of Toby and Odin (cats) and Axle (dog). Quiet nerd turned bubbly animal advocate.


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