We could watch Buddy play with his automatic ball launcher on an endless loop!
We could watch Buddy play with his automatic ball launcher on an endless loop!
Singer-songwriter Jen Foster and Snooty Giggles Dog Rescue team up to spread the message that special needs pups aren…
See photographer Tammy Swarek at work, dressing up shelter dogs to boost their chances for adoption.
Buzzfeed tagged along as Megan and Terence picked out their first furry family member. It’s adorbs.
New England Lab Rescue picked up the pups and made one family’s day before leaving the airpot!
It’s funny! We promise! And it’s helping to get adoptable cats into loving homes.
Both Jordan and the kitties at Found Animals Adopt & Shop benefit from the time spent together.
In this Santa Fe Animal Shelter video, Lester and his human will move you to happy tears.
This sweet senior dog is one of the many Muttville gives a home and hospice care.
Keyboard Cat, Hamilton Pug, and Toast are among the stars who appear in HSUS PSAs.
Safe Haven for Cats took the sick kitty in, and one of the volunteers took Orren home.
Thanks to Greek Animal Rescue, Agnes is living a happy, healthy life after a painful past on the streets.
Trick dog Bamboo skates to Del Mar Dog Beach in this adorable video.
Blakely the Australian Shepherd works at the Cincinnati Zoo’s nursery, helping to care for and socialize orphan…
Thanks to Howl of a Dog rescue, Joy went from a sidewalk in Romania to a home in the Netherlands.